Friends of the Bellevue Public Library
“Be a friend to one of the best friends you have!”
2206 Longo Drive
Bellevue, NE 68005
About Us
In October of 2008, a group of Bellevue women came together to shared their love of reading and interest in supporting the Bellevue Public Library. They became the Steering Group. Their task was to establish the purpose for the “soon to be” Friends of the Bellevue Public Library.
From the beginning, they realized their mission was to promote the awareness and use of the library in the Bellevue community and to raise funds for programs and amenities for the library.
In 2009, bylaws were established and the first public/annual meeting of the Friends was held in September 2009. In that same year, the Friends also assisted in the community celebration of the 80th birthday of the Bellevue Public Library.
As the Friends gained experience, they have developed several programs that support the library and literacy:
Providing monthly delivery of books to Bellevue home bound through the BPL@Home Program has been ongoing since 2010.
Assisting the library staff with the Annual Adult Read (now called the Adult Spring Reading Program): providing volunteers, programs, activities, and prizes.
Volunteers to help the staff with the annual Omaha Gives program.
The Friends of the Bellevue Public Library are continuing to evolve and grow as we support the Bellevue Public Library in any way we can.
Our organization is proud to have been a part of the "Books for Babies" program for over 10 years. We organized and recruited funds for the program which allowed each child born at the Bellevue Medical Center to be given a board book. This program began in May of 2010 and concluded in 2020 when the maternity ward at Bellevue Medical Center closed. Commitment to literacy in children and working with community groups continue to be our focus.
What We Do
The Friends fund activities and resources that make your library stimulating, entertaining and intellectually engaging.
Over the years, the Friends have supported many library programs and events, including:
Adult Library Program
Partnership passes to community organizations
Sponsorship of guest speakers and historical re-enactors
Homebound delivery service
Staffing for the book sale room
Purchasing book club kits
And we can continue to provide this support and so much more with your help!
Contact Us
Have questions? Interested in volunteering?
Article I - Name and Objective
Section 1
This organization shall be known as the Friends of the Bellevue Public Library.
Section 2
The organization's goals shall be to promote the awareness and use of the Bellevue Public Library in the Bellevue community, to raise funds for programs and amenities, and help with library functions at the discretion of the library staff.
Article II - Membership and Dues
Section 1
All dues-paying members shall be considered active members.
Section 2
Dues shall be determined by the Governing Board and approved by the members.
Section 3
Dues are divided into: Benefactor, Patron, Family, and Individual. Amounts may be changed at the discretion of the board and voted on by the members.
Section 4
Dues shall be for one year beginning in the month of registration and shall be due the same month the following year.
Article III - Officers
Section 1
The officers of the Friends shall be: President, Vice-president, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2
The officers, the immediate past-president, and standing committee chairs shall be voting members and considered the Governing Board also known as the Leadership Board.
Section 3
The Library Director or his/her representative and any ad hoc committee chairperson of currently active projects shall be ex-officio members of the board and not entitled to a vote. Ad hoc committees are also known as Task Forces.
Section 4
If any officer position becomes vacant, the board shall appoint an individual from the membership to serve out the remaining term.
Article IV - Nomination and Elections of Officers
Section 1
The election of all officers shall be held every two years, in the even numbered years, at the annual membership meeting.
Section 2
A nominating committee shall be appointed at the discretion of the board.
The committee shall submit at least one name (more if there are interested persons) for each office at the board meeting (prior to the annual membership meeting) after consulting with the potential nominees and receiving their promises to serve if elected.
Section 3
Nominations can also be made from the floor at the annual membership meeting.
Nominees from the floor must have agreed to serve if elected.
Section 4
Officers shall be elected by a majority of the members present at the annual membership meeting and serve for a term of two years beginning in January of the following year.
Article V - Duties of Officers
Section 1
President: It shall be the duty of the president to preside at all meetings (general and board) of the Friends, authorize calls for any special meetings, appoint all committee chairpersons, execute all documents authorized by the board, serve as an ex-officio voting member of all committees, and such other duties as properly pertain to this office.
Section 2
Vice-President: It shall be the duty of the vice-president to preside at all meetings of the Friends at which the president is unable to attend and to conduct the general correspondence of the organization including acknowledgements to guest speakers.
In the event of the resignation of the president before his/her term is completed, the vice president shall take over the duties of the president for the remaining term.
Section 3
Secretary: It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep the minutes of all Friends' meetings, to issue notice of all board, general, and special meetings, to coordinate publicity notices for meetings and programs, and to perform any other duties as properly pertain to this office.
Section 4
Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the treasurer to receive and have charge of all the monies of the Friends, to pay such bills as they are endorsed by the board, to prepare monthly financial statements, to prepare an annual budget (to be presented to the board at the November meeting), and to perform such other duties as properly pertain to this office.
Article VI - Committees and Task Forces
Section 1
Standing Committees shall consist of: Membership, Publicity, Program, Homebound, and Sunday Booksale Room volunteers.
Section 2
Ad Hoc Task Forces shall be appointed for special projects as necessary and will include such things as the Adult Read Program.
Article VII - Meetings
Section 1
Meetings, both board and general, shall be held at the library as room allows.
Section 2
Board meetings will be held the second Monday of every month with the exception of July and December.
Section 3
A quorum shall be a simple majority of voting members.
Section 4
General membership meeting will be held once per year, the date, the hour, and the place to be set by the Friends board.
Section 5
Meetings of the committees will be held at the discretion of the chairs.
Article VIII - Amendments
Section 1
An amendment to these by-laws may be adopted by an affirmative vote of the majority of the Friends' members present at the annual membership meeting.
Section 2
The proposed amendment(s) shall be e-mailed to all members prior to the annual membership meeting.
Revised October 2022